Cabin Wish List

My brother and I had a brainstorming session the other night to come up with a list of ‘must-haves’ and ‘wants’ for this cabin.


  • Two equal master bedrooms with a view of the lake from the room. If we’re doing a single cabin, we want to be able to both enjoy it at the same time.
  • A mix of private and public areas. If we are hosting a large group, we want to allow people to be able to break off and regroup as needed.
  • A large kitchen.
  • Room for a large dining table, but the table could be broken down and stored when not in use.
  • Large fireplace in living room. We plan to spend a lot of winter weekends up there.
  • Large windows overlooking the lake.
  • Cozy. We’re not sure what that means specifically, but it should feel cozy.
  • Some desk space, preferably in the master bedrooms, that overlook the lake. We are both able to work remote, and it’d be fun to work from home up there on occasion.
  • Guest room.
  • Kids room (for bunks)


  • A hidden door to secret cellar/taproom.
  • A second guest room.
  • A rec-room for kids. I’ve got one (kid) now, and another on the way. I’m sure my brother will have a couple too. It’d be nice if they had their own space they could go be loud and crazy in.
  • Large garage. It’d be nice to get a boat to take out on that lake that we got the view of.

I am sure our list will change, but this gives us some direction as we start to think about it what it will look like and how the floor plan will flow.

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