Missing Truss Sheets

The county contacted us today and said they were missing the structural plans for our roof. Huh? This was a major focus in all of our conversations with our structural engineer, so seems like a big thing to have forgotten to include in the plans! I remember seeing a number of construction details regarding the trusses too…

This was actually a misunderstanding of responsibilities on my part. Our structural engineer does not design the actual trusses. He calculates the load the roof will need to support, so that he can ensure that load is supported by the walls and foundation, but designing the actual trusses that will support the roof is the responsibility of the truss manufacturer. The good news is most manufacturers will do the structural engineering at no cost, as long as you sign a letter of intent to buy from them.

I quickly contacted five manufacturers in the area. Similar to previous solicitations for a bid, only a few got back to me. At the end, I received two bids, with one being quite high, and another being about where I thought it should be. We went with that one, signed the letter of intent, and expect to have the structural design sheets sometime next week.

We’re headed back up this weekend, and the manufacturer is going to send someone out to view the site (on a Saturday!), and determine if they can get their delivery truck near the build site.

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